

Any data point, for any company. One tap.

“When Accompany is able to tell me a company’s biggest moments -- the most important times for them in the last year -- and I can bring up something that happened months prior? That makes me look smarter and like I have the best memory in the world”

Lorrie Norrington, Board Member, Colgate-Palmolive

Accompany scours billions of pages and builds rich profiles on companies big and small, public or private. Financials, quarterly reports, funding information, SEC filings, news reports, and key people are never more than a tap away.

Spot the stories that matter most.

Tap on any company to see a synthesized view of their news over time. Accompany uses anomaly detection to differentiate between high volume news and shows spikes for the truly important stories. Catch up on an entire year of a company’s news in just two minutes.

Start every day with the latest information.

Headlines for the companies you care about, delivered to your inbox every morning. Catch up on everyone, from your biggest competitor to the hot new startup in your industry, with one email.

In-depth data on demand.

Last-minute client meeting? No problem. One-tap access to their most recent product launch, their latest acquisition, and their quarterly earnings reports. All you need is your phone.